February 04, 2010

Back to Square One (again)

Why now? Why am I this low again, only days before I have time off work and leave Malta to visit friends and family? I really don't get it.

Every little thing seems to either annoy me or get me down at the moment. I just can't shake it off. Even hiding in bed for 12 hours doesn't calm me - the fitted bed sheet keeps 'popping off' at one corner which pisses me off too.

Hopefully things will right themselves when I hit the UK. A day/night out with Simon in Manchester, then 24 hours with Jackie and Emily. Jackie never fails to lift me. If however, she does fail this time (which I very much doubt) then I have nearly two full days in Shannon with Tara, and her success rate at cheering me is just as high as Jackie's. Of course the main issue is that I don't know what it is I need cheering for. I have no idea why I'm so depressed. Perhaps I'm lonely, but I turned down an offer for drinks with a mate yesterday afternoon, so I don't think it's that. I don't think it's money - all outgoings for the month covered and I still have spending money for my trip.

I know I'm constantly fighting inner demons, and there is no immediate cure for that, but why now? It's the timing of it all that's perplexing me the most.

..oh well, I"m sure it'll pass.

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