January 27, 2010

♫ ♪ "When I am King, You Shall Be Queen..." ♫ ♪

This is an ongoing problem I've encountered over the past few weeks.

For Christmas, in amongst the miriad of books I received as presents, I was also given a tiny cushion and a bottle of lavender oil. When I say 'tiny' I really do mean miniscule, no more than two inches square. It has the image of a sad teddy bear on one side, and plain red on the other. If it hadn't come with the bottle of aromatic oil, I would have assumed it was a pin cushion (and then I would have worried as to why my parents were buying me a pin cushion for Christmas!)

...but with the bottle, I assume I'm supposed to put a few drops onto the fabric and put it in bed with me to help me drop off to sleep. Makes sense, and about a week ago I tried it for the first time. It's not an unpleseant aroma, and if nothing else, it acts like a mini air freshener. But, dear reader, if that was the end of the tale, it wouldn't make much of a blog story would it?

Okay, so I've used it one night, and the next morning woken up and gone to work. When I get back, and preparing to go back to sleep, it would be nice to refresh the little cushion with fresh oil...

..but where is it?

At the moment I have two single duvets on my bed that I 'borrowed' from the spare room. There are also two blankets which I sometimes sleep on top of, and occasionally, underneath (depending on the night-time temperature). Somewhere in amongst the folds of all this bed linen is this petite pillow that I need to find so I can add a few more drops of lavender. I really can't find it anywhere.

By the end of the frantic search, I've stripped the bed, been down on my hands and knees with a torch, and still I can't find it. If this cushion was supposed to aid a restful sleep, it was doing a good job of getting me stressed. Then I did something that I could only do because there was no one there to witness it...

...I got up on the bed, on all fours, and started sniffing around like a pig hunting for truffles. I was following the faint scent of the floral oil, trying to determine where the aroma was strongest, in the vain hope it would lead me to the cushion. I snuffled around, my nose pressed into the mattress, my two teddy bear sleeping companions looking on in disbelief...

...but it worked. Somehow it had managed to work itself into the slipcase of one of the proper pillows. A few drops added, bed remade and I could try to drift off to the Land of Nod. There is an extra part to this tale though - the same thing happened three nights in a row, and each time the cushion appeared in a different place. The second night it had fallen out of bed and 'bounced' under my bedside table, the third night it was hiding underneath Cheeky Monkey....

...so much for helping relieve stress!

p.s. This could well be the most obscure blog title I have used to date. A big pat of the back if you understand the relevance of it.

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