January 18, 2010

Just Call me Interflora

I haven't told you all about my metro-sexual moment have I? I know I told my Mum on the phone, but I should share it with all of you guys too...a few days ago I came home with a bunch of flowers for my apartment.

Now we have to make a few things clear. Firstly I had been drinking. Drinking a lot. It was a day off and the sun was making an appearance. (I'm glad I made the most of it too, because the weather that followed was the worst I've experienced since I got here)

Secondly, I had just been reading a murder mystery book about teddy bears. Without reading it yourselves, you won't understand what I mean, but trust me, you will either bring your lunch back up, or have a warm, 'fuzzy' feeling inside you. (If I'm honest I was somewhere inbetween, but if it involves teddies, then the fuzzy feeling will usually win through)

Thirdly, I had 80c in loose change in my pocket, and loose change always burns a hole. If I don't need it for bus fare then it usually gets spent on something.

I was walking home from the bar, and as the road from the main seafront takes a sharp left turn phill, there was a guy with a box of flowers placed in front of him. Now I know I was under the influence, but I was perfectly aware he was some kind of tramp, which means the flowers were either stolen or weeds....and I walked past, mearly glancing at the box of blooms.

...but they did look pretty, and on the side of the box it said '25c' scribbled in dodgy handwriting.

This bit I couldn't believe. 25c for a bunch of flowers? even if they are weeds or stolen they can't surely be 25c a bundle? I had to ask...

...but they were...

...and so I bought three bundles, for 75c (actually the full 80c, I let him keep the 5c change!)

What were they? I still have no idea. A sort of cross between buttercups and daisies, but they were genuinely pretty, and had a very strong bouquet. I carried them home (getting a few funny looks from passing ladies who were probably wondering why I was carrying a handful of weeds) and went to the kitchen to find a make-shift vase. Only thing I could find were these pint glasses I have that are fluted, like a giant sherry glass. I placed the flowers into one of them, and realised three bundles were a bit too much for one tumbler. No matter, I'd just force them in one way or another. But then...

...I knocked it off the counter onto the tiled kitchen floor and in slow motion I watched the glass smash.

I put the flowers into another pint glass, placed the impromtu vase next to the TV and the aroma was almost instant, it made the apartment smell slightly less 'blokish'...

...but they are still weeds and they did cost me a pint glass!

p.s. They are now starting to wilt and turn a bit brown. I think it's been nearly a full week though, so for 80c can I really complain?

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