November 16, 2009

Old Mother Hubbard...

You remember the rest - she went to the cupboard to get a snack for her pet pooch, but found out she'd forgotton to buy him any. In reality, the chances are the dog attacked her and she ended up in casualty, but I think in the world of nursery rhymes he just put up with the rumbling stomach. The point of all this? I've emptied my cupbaords without realising.

Don't jump to conclusions and assume I've been gorging, because that's a million miles away from the truth. It just seems I've miss calculated when things would run out, and I haven't got used to the fact supermarkets don't stay open very late and never open their doors on Sundays. It was Saturday afternoon I realised I was low on the basic provisions - no milk, cereal, only a few slices of bread left, no cheese, only one bottle of water, no fruit juice, one apple etc. Everything was running out simultaneously and it was too late to do anything about it. By the time Sunday rolled around I was down to eating the last of the eggs and bacon washed down with a glass of orange cordial.

Truth be told, it wouldn't have been a disaster if I had to survive on basic rations for another 24 hours. I still have my emergency cupboard (noodles, a tin of beans, a tin of sausages and some pasta) and the local kiosk is open every days selling ready-made rolls and hot pies, but it was a bit of a shock that I hadn't seen it coming. Up until this point I had been very efficient with my shopping. Two trips a week, always one full basket of provisions each visit. That fits nicely into two carrier bags and my back-pack. (I've used the same two carrier bags 14 times now. I like to think it's for the sake of the environment, but really it's because they charge you 20c for a new one!)

..and so, all this is leading to me having to make two visits to Scotts, either both today, or today and tomorrow. I'm tempted to get it all done in one day - shop, take home, unpack then back out again....

...if nothing else it'll make the checkout girl think she's suffering from deja vu :)

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