November 08, 2009

Just One of Those Days

I've been having one of those days...well one of those weeks really. Lots of contemplating, reminiscing, pondering. Not sure quite where it gets me though.

I was comparing the situation I'm in here in Malta to how I was in Southampton. On the face of it of course I'm better off, cheaper accomodation, higher wages, better weather. Ok, I'm living on a building site, but I was in the UK too. Ok, I have no long standing friends here, but I didn't in Hampshire either. But things are different...

I went up to Manchester on average about every 6 weeks. I nipped over to IOM 4 times in the 20 months I was living in Southampton. Friends came to visit me, Sarah and Caoimhe, Tara, 'The Boys'. There is little chance of any of that here. (especially the visits to IOM). Now I feel far more isolated than I ever did on the South Coast. Chatting to friends online actually feels like a necessity, rather than 'just for fun'. Perhaps this is why I've been having these bizarre dreams for the past few nights - dreaming about people I would never have thought would enter my subconscious. Perhaps I'm just missing friends in general.

It's funny that everyone I talk to tells me to 'get out and see the island'. Why? If I want to see what it looks like I can buy a cheap set of postcards. I don't remember anyone ever telling me to 'get out and see Southampton'. When I moved to IOM way back in 1996 I didn't 'go out and see the rock', I just ended up seeing it all by osmosis. In fact, I'm sure there are some areas in the middle of IOM I never did get to see, particularly as I spent the last few years over there without a car.

If I did spend time travelling around Malta, it would probably only serve to remind me I'm on my own. By locking myself away after work each day, I can make it feel like my life is no different than it's ever been. I have things to look forward to, but they are so far apart they feel like a lifetime away. I can't believe I've already booked to go back to IOM in May. MAY! 7 months away! Not 7 days, or 7 weeks, but 7 months!

Ok, be positive Geoff. You get to see some of your friends in Derby in a month, then meeting baby Emily for the first time a few days after that. Then it's Christmas....

...I wonder if they do microwave Christmas meals for one in the supermarket?...

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