November 27, 2009

General Maltese Update II

Can't believe it's been 8 days since my last entry. Apologies to any loyal readers who've been logging in waiting for an update. I suppose in my defence, there just hasn't been anything that has passed through my mind to warrant a blog entry...

..but that's not to say things haven't been going on.

Firstly, an old friend from IOM has relocated to Malta to work for an online gaming company. Hardy is the reason I got my last betting job on the rock, so indirectly he's the reason I'm here in Malta. (I could write a whole entry on cause and effect, and try to explain the real reason I'm in Malta, but I'll save you the boredom). We've already met up a few times for drinks, and I can imagine I'll see a lot more of him. We have always had a good rapport together and at the moment he is living very close to me. The company he works for is a lot larger than mine, so he's already involved in a lot of social activities - I'll see if I can use my James Bond stealth techniques and attach myself to a few of them :D

As I write this my parents are in Malta visiting me. We've spent a half day in Valletta together and yesterday we walked through to St Julians and Paceville and then back again (well obviously!) So far it's been ok. The flat isn't designed for three people, although we seem to be managing.

Still looking forward to next week. A trip to Derby to meet up with Cat and Darryl from the quiz show recordings. Can't wait to see them both (and also, I think it's my first visit to Derby. I know I've passed through it several times on the train, but never got out to look around before.) Straight after that it's down to Bournemouth to meet my little star. I've seen a few new piccies of her recently, and she's already got her Mum's cheeky grin (although that just might have been wind). It'll be great to see Jackie too. Seeing Hardy again recently has reminded me how much I miss my best friend. (We all worked together, so there is logic in my madness)

..and as I'm talking about Jackie, she is also responsible for me going out drinking last Tuesday. A close friend of hers was visiting Malta from Dublin (although he's from East Germany originally) so I arranged to meet him at the airport and take him on a pub crawl. He was a man from my own heart - happy to start even before he'd checked into his hotel. We crawled our way from Sliema to St Julians where he was staying and I left him with a kebab in one hand and a can of lager in the other.

Of course inbetween all this there has been work. Just received the December rota, and it doesn't look too bad. I'm in the office all over the main holiday period, but that will help take my mind off things. I haven't worked out where (if anywhere) opens on the 25th, but if there is a whiff of a drink available after I finish work I'm sure I'll find it. Don't think there will be a traditonal Christmas Dinner for me this year, but I'll try to make some kind of effort.

...hope that satisfies you for now. I'll try not to let a full week pass before I update you all again

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