October 11, 2009

♫ La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha, Na Na Na Na Na Na.♫

I hope your Spanish is good enough to know what the title means. If not, I'm sure the following tale will help you out.

I was working the late shift last night. I finished at 9.30pm and wandered down the hill to the bus stop. Catching the bus home on a Friday an Saturday night is not the most pleseant of experiences at the best of times - the route I need to take carries on to Paceville which I've explained before is the island's nightclub area. Every bus that comes past is packed with scantily clad females and boys with far too much hair gel and after-shave on.

I stood at the bus-stop for well over half an hour. The first few buses to go past weren't any use to me, they were 'party' buses that by-passed Sliema and went on to the clubs. The next two were ones I could have caught, but they were already over filled, and the driver wouldn't let any more on. I was five minutes away from giving up and walking home. I kept telling myself 'one more bus, and then I'm off'.

..of course if I'd just set off on foot straight from work I'd probably be walking in my front door at this point...

..anyway, I'm at the bus stop, around me are more party animals. Girls in skirts that were smaller than my belt, lads in brilliant white shirts, half open and more grease in there hair than the deep fat fryer in a Mcdonalds. Next to the lay-by is a food outlet window. It sells pies, pasties, pizza slices - the kind of thing that's quick and easy to eat and perfect for lining your stomach before a night in the bars. No, I didn't buy anything, but it might be related to what happens next.

At some point I looked down and saw a cockroach scurry past on the pavement ahead of me. It almost made me jump, the speed it was travelling. I looked around and saw another one disappear under the Coca Cola vending machine off to my left. I then looked down at my own feet....

....can you guess what's coming? If you think I'm about to say there was a cockroach on my shoe, I'm afraid you're only half right...

..there were TWO big cockroaches crawling across my left ankle, and over my shoe. Not just over it, from one side to the other, but crawling back and forth. A tough man would have just flicked them off, with a deft kick of his foot. A brave man would have reached down and lifted them off. Me? I went into a girlie dance waving my leg in the air (and both my arms for some reason) until they decided to let go of my footwear.

I'm guessing it wasn't the best way to impress the ladies, but I'd like to see what they would have done if they saw two cockroaches crawling on their foot heading north!

After a further 10 minutes (a full hour after I left work) a packed bus turned up that would let us on. Standing all the way home, squashed in like a baked bean, subconsiously rubbing my ankle with my other foot, just in case...

...I dread the day I spot one in my apartment.

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