October 30, 2009

Holy Grail of the Kitchen Part IV (Additional)

Hurrah! Told you I could do it!

I got in from work last night at about 10.30pm. I knew the pancake mix needed to be used as soon as possible, but when I took the container out of the fridge and removed the lid, it was like looking at solid putty. I was torn between trying to rescue it, or give it up as a lost cause, but decided to head towards 'rescue'. After all, this was a learning experience, and if I could make it work with what was left, I knew what to do if I ever dared try it again in the future.

My big dilema was how to make it more liquified. I knew I'd already added more than the recommended 400ml of milk, but except for egg, that was the only liquid in it. I went for broke and chucked in another big splosh of the dairy juice, replaced the lid and shook vigourously. When I re-opened it, what I had was what I had dreamed of originally - a runny substance, that poured easily, and smelt like pancake mix.

First attempt with the new mixture. Tiny drop of oil in the non-stick pan, brought up to heat, mixture poured in.....and it moved around easily, a thin coating of pancake in seconds. a tiny pause then over it flips with a spatula. Another short pause and I can toss it over and over again to my hearts desire. Onto a plate, sprinkle of sugar and lemon juice, rolled up and on to the next.

Number 2. Exactly the same. Perfect colouring, even texture, we have a double success.

In total I made 4, each one rolled with sugar and lemon and then the ultimate test. Taste.

Nothing to worry about, they tasted exactly as they should. It was Shrove Tuesday all over again (although I think the last time I had pancakes on Shrove Tuesday would have been nearly 14 years ago).

So now I know. If I use that particular pancake mix again, I can follow the instructions if I want 'Scotch' style pancakes, but if I want 'Shrove Tuesday' pancakes.....

..add twice as much milk.

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