August 21, 2009

And Now, The End is Near...

On the walk to work this morning (the last time I'll be making that 15 minute journey in that direction incidently) I was contemplating all the things I've done (or about to do) 'for the last time...'

I've played my last pub quiz machine.

I've eaten my last Weatherspoons Farmhouse Breakfast.

Opened the door to Canute Chambers.

Waited on Platform 4 of Southampton Central Station.

Caught the bus to the airport.

Ordered a Dominos pizza.

Posted a DVD back to Lovefim at 6 o'clock in the morning.

Gone into the High Street Co-op to rummage through the 'reduced price' shelf for a bargain.

Ridden on a London Underground train.

Watched repeats of old sitcoms on UK Gold whilst sitting in work.

Gone to a cricket game at The Rosebowl, or a football game at St. Marys.

Walked along the dual-carriage way.

...and probably millions more.

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