July 17, 2009

Reunion Part I

It's late on Friday, I'm sat in the office, but technically I've finished work...

...The weekend starts here!

and what a weekend it should be. I'm off to Maidstone to meet up with two people I became good friends with from the Wembley quiz show recording. It's still a shame it looks like it's been canned, but nothing can replace the new chums I've made.

The original plan was for a weekend of debauchery and naughtiness, but Colin, one of the two friends, has recently had a serious operation. Sounds like he's well on the way to recovery, but anything more than dunking a Pringle into a sour cream dip is going to be a strain for him. It won't stop the three of us having a great time. I'll post again when I get back and let you know what we got up to.

The reason the post is called 'Reunion Part I' is the following weekend is a full quiz show get-together. 35 of us to be precise heading down to a village just outside Brighton. That one could get very messy, but it'll be nice to blow the cobwebs away with people I like.

In between the two, I have to phone the landlord. No more putting it off. I'm just dreading the fact he might want to come round straight away to check what needs fixing, replacing etc. The flat looks like a World War II doodlebug landed in the living room.

The big boss was over from Germany for the last couple of days too. I was expecting to have my ear chewed off, but surprisingly I seem to have his support at the moment. Makes a change. That's not to say he didn't have a few choice words to say about the rest of the staff, but I got away with a back handed compliment. Oh well, talk to you again after the weekend...

...assuming I survive :)

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