May 28, 2009

Hot? You Don't Know the Meaning of the Word

One of the things I had on my 'negative' list when I considered moving to Malta was the heat. Every time the island gets mentioned in a conversation, the response is 'ooh, it's hot there isn't it?' or 'how will you cope with the heat?' Well, my first day here and I've experienced temperatures in excess of 100 degrees, and it's still only May!

Ok, side track here, isn't it funny how we use the Fahrenheit scale for hot weather, but refer to Celsius for the cold. If it dips below freezing we say it's minus 2 degrees out there!' I suppose it sounds a bit more dramatic than 'ooh, it's dropped to 28 degrees already.' At the top end of the scale it feels hotter if you say 'it's approaching 100', rather than 'it's nearly 38 degrees.'

Anyway, I arrived at the airport and as we are coming into land the pilot casually announces that the weather in Malta is 'quite warm, 35 degrees with a light westerly breeze.' 35 degrees - quite warm! That's 95 in old money.

I've been told by various folk that Malta is also a humid environment. The only time I've experienced heat of this scale before is walking along the Las Vegas Strip at one o'clock in the afternoon - but that is desert heat. Malta, being an island, has a lot of moisture in the atmosphere. I envisioned myself stepping out of the apartment to go to work and being bathed in sweat even before I got to the end of the road. Fingers crossed, so far it hasn't been like that. I'm not saying there hasn't been perspiration, of course there has, but nothing uncontrollable, or unsightly. Hardest thing for me is if I get a sweaty face my glasses slip off the end of my nose!

I've not managed to pick up a tan, the hours I'm having to work don't allow me time outdoors during the hotter weather, but so far it's still been a pleasant enough experience living in the sun...

...although we haven't got to July and August yet.

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