March 16, 2009

Is it all Worth it? Part II

Should be a bit more upbeat than the first part. Well I hope it comes across that way.

Day after tomorrow, my boss/flatmate is over with the new trainee from Malta. We have our staff meal, and should get our cash bonus. If that isn't a reason to be upbeat, nothing is!

The trainee is staying with me in the flat, so I have 24 hours (ish) to get it into some kind of decent order. Fingers crossed the vacuum cleaner doesn't pack up on me. While my boss is over, we are supposed to be discussing my salary, and as it hasn't be assessed since I first came down her 15 months ago, I can only assume there is an increase coming.

So, with that in mind, and remembering I am now getting paid double for Sundays, I am going to stay in the flat on my own. Of course it will mean most of my extra income going into rent, but there are several benefits.

1. No need for public transport to and from the office. This also means early starts involve leaving home 10 minutes before the shift begins, not hours.

2. No need to move house. This is a HUGE benefit. The thought of packing up again and finding somewhere else to live is really unattractive.

3. I can move into the larger bedroom, with the better bed and more space. Could even be a chance I sleep for more than 2 hours at a time.

4. I can get my council tax reduced because I'll be living alone, rather than with someone else.

The only downside is paying all the rent, instead of half. By my calculations this will take up the extra Sunday payments (which I never really expected to get anyway) but I should still be better off if I do get any sort of pay-rise

All I can do is give it a try. If I can't cope with the extra payments I can always go back to plan A....

....or am I on to Plan J or K by now?

1 comment:

Jackenorie said...

or get a flatmate - female? ;)