January 30, 2009

The Maltese Adventure Day 2

After a quick breakfast Michael and I drove to the office. I had to memorise the route because after today, he would be back in Germany and I would have my own hire car. It seemed pretty straight forward....Remember I said that.

The office feels more like an apartment. A kitchen, bathroom, and two side rooms that would do as bedrooms. The two desks have been set up in the hall, in a little niche. It has it's own, wide balcony overlooking the town. It's one of those views you see on the news in war stories. Hundreds and hundreds of odd shaped buildings, all made from that sandy coloured stone, each one with bricks missing and paint flaking off.

We left early because Michael needed to return his hire car, and I needed to pick up mine. We left each other at the rental shop and I had the task of finding my way back to St Julians. It was now raining.

Rain has a funny effect on the roads in Malta. Firstly, the roads have no camber, so all the water remains on the surface. Secondly, the roads are full of lumps, bumps and HUGE potholes, so water can collect almost anyway and get quite deep. Thirdly, it when it rains, it rains heavily so in only a few minutes every surface is either a lake or a waterfall. Add to this the fact I have no idea where I am, or what direction I'm supposed to set off in and needless to say, I got lost.

It wasn't too bad though. I knew St Julians was a harbour town so I headed downhill where possible and towards water when it was in sight. After about 30 minutes I saw a tower in the distance I recognised, and 10 minutes after that I was parking up at home, ready to get some refreshments. I found a Scottish themed pub just behind my hotel, so a few pints of local Maltese lager were consumed. Dinner was from a vendor on the street corner. Being so close to Scicily, there are a lot of Italian restaurants and cafes here, but being a pizza fan, that is no heartache for me :o)

Another noisy night, but again, another night where it didn't bother me. I watched Midsomer Murders in bed until I dozed and had a very peaceful rest.

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