January 24, 2009

Dressing to Impress

I know I go on a lot about what happens on my travels, but quite frankly, half my life seems to be on board trains. My recent trip from Southampton to Manchester is no exception.

I had a reserved seat as usual, it turned out to be an aisle seat at a table, and two girls were already in the window areas. No matter. They probably thought I was weird for sitting next to them when other seats were free, but I also knew within 20 minutes the train would be packed, and I'd be grateful I took up my rightful place. I was right. By the time we got through Winchester, the train was standing room only.

Initially I thought the girls were teenagers, but after listening in to what they were saying, they must have been about 20 to 23. I could only see the girl opposite, but she was fairly attractive. A bit too much make-up perhaps, but isn't that the modern way? All I knew about the girl next to me was she had long black hair. I only knew that because if I looked away from her I saw the reflection of both of us in the window opposite.

Anyway, I'm off track (train ride...off track? geddit? oh never mind) We got through Coventry and Wolverhampton and the train quietened down a little. The girls' conversation had turned to 'tonight's party' and if 'he' would be there. Then, almost without warning, the girl opposite got out of her seat, collected her suitcase from the luggage rack and brought it back to the table. She then proceeded to empty every conceivable beauty aid out of it and spread it all over the surface. Make-up, hair curlers, a mirror, deodorant, perfume you name it, it appeared.

"I'm sorry, you don't mind do you?" said the girl next to me.

"Er, no." I replied, not exactly sure what she meant.

They then proceeded to make themselves up for a night out, including plugging a blow dryer into the mobile phone socket! It took nearly 45 minutes before one of them declared she was ready. (No wonder women take so long in the bathroom). She then said to her friend next to me:

"Do you think I should put my tights on now?"

Now can you imagine what was going through my head right now. I had visions of her undressing under the table and using me as a barracade! What she actually meant was she was going to go to the on-board toilet and get changed... which she did.

...she came back dressed to kill. She left in a pair of jeans, a scruffy top and a heavy overcoat. She came back in black tights, a short, low cut dress, and her hair pushed up. The transformation was unbelievable. That part only took 10 minutes (so why did the make up bit take nearly an hour?)

Her friend then asked to get past me and disappeared to the toilet too. She left wearing denim hotpants over black tights, a white top and a duffel coat. She came back bare legged, with a short black dress, halter neck style, but very low cut at the back, her hair also up and glitter added to her mascara.

...I still say women look better au naturel, but I'm glad I've now seen first hand the process they go through to 'make an effort'.

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