December 22, 2008

Definition of an Idiot Part V: The Sequel

You'll have to head back to August 17th to read part one of this entry.

Since August, when Sarah and I seperated, she hasn't left my mind. On all subsequent visits to The Rock I've met up with her, and we've got on really well. It looks like we might be trying again.

Now stop screaming, I can hear you all from here. I know the heartache I went through last time, I know the pain I suffered, but I also (hopefully) have my eyes a little wider open this time. We both know the problems we have to overcome, and don't have any preconceived ideas that it's going to be any easier this time around.

We do have a small advantage. Sarah is now mobile with a car, and Caoimhe is a little easier to cope with during travel than she was as a new-born. Whereas last time our relationship was governed by how often I could get to IOM, now there will be more opportunity for Sarah and baby to get to the UK. Perhaps not all the way to Southampton, but it's no trouble for me to catch the train to somewhere else.

Before the heartache last time, more than one person commented on how happy I looked. I hope they can see I look that happy again.

You may have noticed I used the phrase 'might be getting back together.' I'm trying to be deliberately cagey because it's probably going to be several weeks before we meet up again. Until then it wouldn't be right to say we were officially dating....

...I'm already smiling though, so that's a good sign.

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