July 24, 2008

The Future's Shite - The Future's Orange Part II

After another 40 minute conversation with Orange, it appears that the Isle of Man has officially moved abroad. Despite the fact the website has no info on this, and despite the fact other networks don't charge you differently, Orange believe all texts to IOM should be charged at an International rate.

...so at the present moment a single text to Sarah costs me 20pence instead of 3pence.

I'm not getting a refund, I'm not getting an apology and they can't explain further. All they said was that I 'was lucky' to have only been charged the lower rate in the past.

Bye Bye Orange. My days with you as a provider as now coming to an end. I would say it was good while it lasted...

...but that would be a complete lie you bunch of thieving, money-grabbing parasites.

Rant over (for now)

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