June 04, 2008

Spring Break Part II - Meeting Friends

The main reason for the trip to the Isle of Man was to meet Caoimhe, and spend time with Sarah, but I'd had this trip booked a little while before we got together and I had already arranged to meet up with friends.

On the Sunday, I went down to Castletown to meet up with Jackie and Zoltan and to meet Jackie's new beau. I know she doesn't need my seal of approval when it comes to her love life, but it did feel a bit like a daughter bringing her new fella home to meet her Dad! There was nothing to worry about. Ranald was a great guy, and we hit it off straight away. It was a lovely day. Drink, pool, drink, jukebox, drink, drink, strange photos, drink, Zolly going missing in The Sidings, drink and then last bus home.

On the bank holiday Monday, it was a chance to meet up with Rob, Rob and Andrew. I walked down from Willaston in blazing sunshine, and chose to pass through Summerhill Glen. I think in the 11 years I lived there, I never went into the Glen. I knew it was there, but just never took the opportunity to travel through it. It was beautiful. Hard to believe it's surrounded by major roads and heavy traffic - so tranquil.

The Robs and Andrew are coming to see me in Southampton to August to go horse racing. The conversation soon turned to that and as usual, arguments over who's round it was next. Nothing ever changes. It was great to see them though.

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