March 02, 2008

A New Friend?

hang-over level 5/5

I finished work at 3pm yesterday. As it was Saturday, I decided to nip next door for a few pints and watch Gillette Soccer Saturday. The mighty Blackpool were away to Norwich and a win would put them in the top half of the table (they'll be getting nose-bleeds being that high up)

The pub was fairly empty. Southampton were playing at home, so most of the usual crowd were at the game. There was a young lad sat on his own watching the telly, so I took up my usual stance at the quiz machine. After a few moments another guy came in. He immediately starting talking to the young man, so I naturally assumed they knew each other. After a while I realised I could hear most of what the man was saying...and it was now I realised they weren't aquainted!

Every town has got one. You know those people who are are a couple of bananas short of a bunch? People usually describe them as 'a bit weird but they're harmless'? Well he was one of those. The young lad looked terrified. Bless.

As I went back to the bar I past his table. He gave me a glance as though to say 'save me' so I did the honourable thing, I asked him if he'd like to help me on the quiz machine. I've never seen such relief before coming from one person!

We stayed there for quite a while (well about 4 pints worth anyway). His name is Kieran and he's at one of the Uni's doing a degree in football. Yes, that's right, a degree in nothing but football. Thankfully his knowledge of last seasons Nottingham Forest squad helped us win a few quid, so it's not a completely pointless qualification!

He left to meet friends in Portsmouth and then Pete met me after work for a few more drinks. By the time we were thrown out at 11pm I'd been in there for 8 hours... hence the raging hang-over.

Although we didn't exchange numbers, or make any formal arrangements to meet again, I'm pretty sure I'll bump into Kieran again. Finally a drinking companion has arrived!

...pity he's not female, but I can't have everything :o)

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