March 31, 2008

Definition of an Idiot Part IV

Remember we all put our clocks forward yesterday? I did, but I was actually a bit over keen.

I left work on Saturday night at about 8pm. I put my watch forward an hour as I walked home. I knew I wouldn't need that until Sunday.

When I got home, I turned on the oven to cook my evening meal (I think it was a beef lasagne on Saturday, but that's not particularly relevant). I put the clock on the oven forward an hour whilst it was heating up. I don't use the timer, so that would be ok.

It was going to take about 40 minutes to cook, so I settled down to watch a DVD. (I think it was Tintin, but that's not particularly relevant either). As it was playing I scanned the room. No more clocks to adjust in here. Is that unusual? I don't have any wall clocks in my flat, or the office. I didn't have any at my last place either. Perhaps I'm temporophobic (look it up!)

I watched the DVD, ate my meal and then got ready for bed. (Watered Bob the Triffid, drew the curtains, got my clothes ready for tomorrow. Still not relevant, but I hope it paints a picture for you of my life). The only clock in my room is my digital alarm clock, so I put that forward an hour too..... and here comes the idiot bit....

....I also put the alarm wake-up time forward an hour too, from 6am to 7am. Please don't ask me why, I think I was already half asleep. At the time it just seemed a natural thing to do.
Thankfully, I was awake anyway before the alarm was due to go off so I wasn't late for work, but if I'd been relying on it, I would have been waking up at the time I was due to be logging onto my PC. I only realised my error the night after when I came to turn my alarm back on, and noticed it was set for the wrong time.

So once again, I am an Lifetime Achievement Award winning idiot!

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