March 26, 2008

Bob the Triffid has Pulled Part II

Roberta is having an affair already! She's pulled my personal secretary Helena! (see previous blog entry)

Helena spotted Roberta yesterday when she dropped off our post. She was telling me how she's moved to a new apartment nearer to work (so that means she's no longer on the 17A bus), but all the time she was talking to me, she had her eyes on Roberta.

I didn't take Roberta home last night - I didn't have a carrier bag - so I moved her to the top of the mini fridge. Helena came in today specifically to say hello to Roberta! She didn't even have any post for me!

...Do I tell Bob the Triffid what's been going on behind his back? I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't. Poor Bob. :o(

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