March 13, 2010

...It's Time to Face, The Final Curtain

It can't have escaped your notice that the blog entries are slowly drying up. They are getting further and further apart and the humour level is fading too. Perhaps it's time to draw a line under it.

The honest truth is I've lost the will to keep it running. It's evolved so much, and I feel I have to monitor everything I write, which I shouldn't have to. That sort of takes the fun out of updating it. I can't say my life is a barrel of laughs at the moment (for various reasons) but the online diary is no longer the best place for me to let off steam, or cry on an imaginary shoulder.

In true Acadamy Award style, I would like to thank all my loyal readers for sticking with it for so long. I'd like to thank everyone that has made an appearance within the diary too, and I'd like to thank everyone who has been part of my life during the past two years.

The blog won't close, it will still be here, it just won't have regular updates. I'm sure I"ll pop back to keep giving you all Magnificent Octopus updates but other than that, the doors of the 'idiot' blog are closing for the last time...

...last one out, don't forget to switch off the lights.